a little about me
my name (cordero) means “lamb” in spanish, and since i’m proudly half puerto rican, i want to welcome you to my world. aka lambtopia. lambtopia is the visual representation of mostly shirt designs i wanted to wear myself — anchored by deep cut references that i’m sure only a nerdy few like me and you can fully appreciate.
made by a human, for humans
Simple Design
A arcu cursus vitae congue mauris. Sagittis id consectetur lorem sed ulimate lorem tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla.
High Quality
Nunc id cur Libero id fauci and bus and movern nisl tincidunt egetm oium cirtyus auio In fermentum eiquam id diam maecenas ultricies mi.
All Day Service
Vel pretium lectus lore ipasium ulimate sed aium sedr amet tellus nunic eiqum tortor in quam id leo in vitae massa dipiscing elit, Nunc id cur